By: Dennis SMay 19, 2012
The top 1% have been waiting their turn on Wall Street for many years
now, patiently awaiting the day when their bible-thumping, gay-bashing,
gun-toting and embarrassingly uninformed constituency will deliver them
a presidency, house and senate majorities and the requisite right-wing
courts that will open the floodgates to trillions upon trillions of your
dollars and mine to their upturned palms until earth flames out.
It’s the grandest prize in all the political realm and it goes by the
name of Social Security. And the Romney-types want to pry it from the
hands of the government and deliver it to the green-tinted (tainted?)
canyons of the Street to the eager clutches of venerable bank/brokerage
Though a blue dress stain delayed a proposed step toward
semi-privatization in a deal worked out between Bill Clinton and Newt
Gingrich, the DINO president did give the scheme some momentum in the
late 90’s. Republican successor, Bush eagerly embraced it and expanded
upon it.
Social Security has been with us for over three-quarters of a century
(passed in 1935; it became fully operational in 1939) and has worked
beautifully for all that time and will continue to serve us in our old
age and disabilities with the simple steps of raising the maximum
earnings amount where employees and employers have to contribute a
payroll tax into the Federal Insurance Contributions Tax Act (FICA). The
current maximum is $110,100 a bump from the most recent $106,800. It
should continue to climb as average salaries increase. It should also be
doubled tomorrow. Social Security can tap into outside government
funding sources as well. These sources plus a realistic tax increase (as
in pre-Bush tax rates on the wealthy) and more ‘chop, chop’ in the
absurdly bloated military budget would protect the trust fund as long as
need be. It wouldn’t hurt if the government kept its paws off the trust
fund as well.
In the 2005 State of the Union speech, newly re-elected President
George W. Bush revealed Republican plans for social security ‘reform’ in
some detail. Bush established the template for millionaires and
billionaires to add exponentially to their lucre. These are some of his
exact words; “…a half century ago, about 16 workers paid into the
system for each person drawing benefits. It wouldn’t be a Republican
speech without at least 1 blatant lie. The actual figure from 1960 was
5.1 workers. But that’s not nearly as frightening as tripling the real
Bush continued, “…we must join together to strengthen and
Social Security. For younger workers, the Social Security system has
serious problems that will grow worse with time. He pointed out that
today people are living longer and therefore benefits “are scheduled to
rise dramatically over the next few decades.”
He threw out all sorts of unsupported numbers. Social Security will
pay out more than it takes in by 2018; in 2027 the government will need
to scare up $200 billion to keep the system afloat; by 2042, the whole
kit and kaboodle will be “exhausted and bankrupt.” I’m exhausted just
listening to his BS.
But, BS aside – Bush claims there’s a fix out there –
voluntary personal retirement accounts.
“Here is why the personal accounts are a better deal: Your money will
grow, over time, at a greater rate than anything the current system can
deliver.” Thus Spake Bush. Still a little hesitant? “We’ll MAKE SURE the
money can only go into a
conservative mix of bonds and stock
funds.” Phew, what a relief. Funds are sure to appreciate no doubt. Just
like the Dot-Com funds of the roaring 90’s. They appreciated like
crazy. Venture capitalist were buying up companies designing new mouse
pads with their international headquarters in their bedroom closets.
What an era. The NASDAQ hit 5,048.62 March 10, 2000. Hello new
Then the Dot-com Bird of Paradise flew into the closed window of
stock market reality. A bear market of gargantuan proportions rose up
overnight. In just over two years some five trillion in market value was
NASDAQ plunged to an intra-day low of 1,108 in October of 2002.
Amazon went from $107 to $7.00 a share. Cisco lost 86% of its market
value. It took seven years for the composite to recover just half it’s
peak value. Even today, it’s not that much over half. Sure it’ll
eventually recover, but how close will you be to retirement age?
Still want to play the privatization game? OK, hand your money over
to Bernie Madoff. He relieved investors of about $65 billion
all by himself.
Bottom line, you can invest on your own any damn time you feel like it
and not risk one penny of your Social Security. And, there are always
401k’s and lots of companies will sell employees their own stock if
you’re a big believer in their future.
The current 112
th congress has H.R. 1104 Privatization Act
of 2011 floating around somewhere right this minute. The bill estimates
the net gain from privatization will be $10-$20 trillion dollars.
Sounds about right for the legislator’s investment cronies fees. The
same cronies who load up legislative campaign coffers. A $10 trillion
estimate differential shows they’re just pulling this one out of their
a**. It’s also stated that the number of workers to pay for baby
boomers is not increasing. Really? Rounding off, in 1980 there were 227
million souls in the U.S. In 1990, that number was 250 million; It was
281 million in 2000 and the Census Bureau puts the number at almost 312
million in 2011. No new workers? Surely Romney and company can’t send
that many jobs overseas.
The real calculation is that Republicans expect wages to be
comparatively lower if they get their way. So it’s not the paucity of
workers, it’s the paucity of wage increases.
The goal is to eventually eliminate the FICA tax and allow workers to
designate a certain amount of their pay to be invested privately. They
will be no longer be ‘forced’ (as stated in the bill) to pay into the
Social Security fund.
Don’t know where H.R. 1104 has gone. Maybe still snoozing in Ways
& Means or it could be dead and buried. There was also a later
privatization bill introduced by a Michigan Representative, Thad
McCotter. It was H.R. 2889 and it seems lost in the shuffle as was
McCotter who had an eye on the Republican presidential nomination at one
As for Mitt Romney; he’s enthusiastically supported privatization;
he’s cautiously opposed it. This much we do know. He wants to reduce
Social Security benefits and increase the age of eligibility. Guys worth
a quarter of a billion can afford to make those sacrifices.
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